School Shield

Kingsdon Church of England Primary School
School Lane, Kingsdon,
Somerset TA11 6TE
T 01935 840406 F:01935 841765
e: office @
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The purpose-built classroom is bright and colourful. The children have access to computers and an under-cover, outdoor play area with sand and water activities. There is easy access to the school library as well as cloak-rooms and coat hooks. There are also plenty of large spaces for the children to display their artwork and photographs.

The current class comprises children from reception to year two. The class is taught by Mrs Julie Moseley. During the summer term the pupils visit the school allotment every Wednesday afternoon, where they have fun digging and planting.

Another resident of the classroom is Kingsdon Bear, who the children take turns inviting home and then detailing his adventures in a special diary.

Kingsdon Primary School
Church of England Voluntary Controlled

Beech Class